Thursday 20 October 2011

The one with the 'Berry Beauty Smoothie'

Nat and I are really avid fans of all things to do with health, nutrition and general well-being.  One of our free day highlights includes driving an hour to the best health food store and stocking up on vitamins, supplements, and chemical free skin care. We are truly in our glory.
For the past 6 months we have been making (separately, each at our own houses - just to clarify nat and i are NOT Bert & Ernie) what we like to call the ‘Berry Beauty Smoothie’. This is our breakfast, full of all goodness, its just what we need to get us through the morning. Below is a list of all food and supplements we use.
What you will need:
·         Blender
·         Fresh berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) or substitute frozen berries

·         ½ cup organic almond milk

·         ½ cup coconut water

·         Tablespoon flaxseed oil

·         Tablespoon LSA

·         Tablespoon Chia Seeds

·         Tablespoon of Acai berry powder

Blend together to create the ‘Berry Beauty Smoothie’. Delish!
If you love supplements, as we do, also add the following:
·         Teaspoon zinc

·         Tablespoon Lecithin Granules

·         Teaspoon of a probiotic

Naturopath Brand

Chemist Brand

And if you are working out add some protein powder. Nat and i find the Sculpt brand in Vanilla a good mix in the smoothie. You can purchase this at Contours gyms.

See Below for the end result.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

The one with the morning bet!

The situation: in one corner was the not so trim, taught Tammy Lee and in the other corner was Natalie “the napper” Ashdown. Both ladies unable to get their asses out of bed at 6:00am for physical activity!
The bet: competitors contribute $50 each to an impartial party. When morning sport is agreed upon both contenders cannot cancel. The first to miss an appointment forfeits the winnings!
The terms: move some money around at our respective banks for the prize pool lol it was a hefty sum after all!
The outcome: TBC!

The one with the roller skating vs roller blading - part II

So our summer bucket list has begun. Natalie choosing the roller blade and myself choosing the roller skates. I can go on and on about the why roller skates surpass the rollerblades but i think i can sum it up in a few points:

I myself am an accomplished roller skater. I built my way up to level 4...twice. (4 being the highest level at Skate Plus). I owned a white pair of skates with a pink rainbow on the side. I won many challenges and was very competitive. i had many roller ksating birthday parties where all my friends used to come along and have an awesome time. I must admit i did dabble in roller blading, i even bought a pair, but they only lasted a very short time. Roller skating will always have my heart and i will go on to debate that roller skates will always be number 1.

Originating in 1743, although the inventor has been lost in history the its still a known fact the that roller skates were the original and the best! I mean just check out the very first pair below.

Roller skating became popular in the 1970’s, 1980’s, 1990’s and today are even cooler than ever.

Cult films have been made based on rollerskating.

Roller Boogie follows the nice not so talented skater girl who falls for the super hot extremely talented skater guy. The two meet, he teaches, and they skate their way to love. Ummm Dirty Dancing obviously stole this story line.

Xanadu. The story of a girl who makes dreams come true.

Boogie Nights! Although this movie was based on porn, who could forget Heather Graham as ‘Roller Girl’

Whip It – Drew Barrymore loves skating so much she made her directing debut with the roller derby movie Whip it!

We all know that celebs have the Midas touch, everything they do turns to Cool! Now while i had a hard pressed time looking for celebs on ‘roller blades, the pages were endless in roller skating celebs. Here are a few of my faves

Artistic roller skating is a sport which consists of a number of events. These are usually accomplished on quad skates, but inline skates may be used for some events. SOME being the operative word! Local competitions lead to regional competitions which lead to the National Championships and World Championships.
·         Figure skating
·         Dance
·         Freestyle
·         Precision teams
·         Singles/pairs
·         Roller Derby
See, its a sport a proper recognised sport with competitions,!
Roller Skating = WINNERS

Most can remember a time, when as a child, they put on a pair of roller skates for the sheer joy of rolling at the rink or on the street. As an adult roller skating can still be fun and also a great activity to increase your overall fitness.
According to the Roller Skating Assocation International ( research has demonstrated that roller skating can have the same benefit in terms of cardiovascular health and calorie burn as jogging. Although a killer leg workout, it also is not associated with the impact to joints and muscles caused by jogging or running.
Combining a variety of skating techniques can serve to work many major muscle groups including the calfs, quads, thighs and buns.
·         Twisting, or making tight turns with your knees together can work your back and abs.
·         Crossovers can help build inner thigh strength.
·         Skating low is as good as a squat and can help build arm and chest strength and muscle tone.
·         Taking longer strides (power stroking) can help you increase your heart rate and strengthen your back muscles.
In general, skating is a fun activity that can be incorporated with others to help improve your overall fitness.
To look like this, just roller skate J

Just looking at the two. Its like looking at a chic pair of pumps and then a pair of mens work boots.
The skate so sleek and stylish vs the blades, so bulky and uncool.

Roller Skating imagery:

Tuesday 11 October 2011

The one with the skates vs blades - part I

“Blades…like skates…but better!” Barrack Obama
A debate that’s gone on almost as long as the battle of the sexes - blades vs skates! 1763 saw the inception of the first recorded use of roller-skates on the London stage. The inventor of roller skates is lost in history – convenient? Or perhaps he too was ashamed of this invention knowing full well it could be greatly improved upon!  Enter John Rollerblades - the proud creator of inline skates! During the late 80’s and early 90’s rollerblades became so successful many people actually substituted their regular shoes for the inline skates and almost saw the demise of the auto mobile as a mode of transport due to the sheer popularity of this beautiful but deadly sport! Studies showed that kids in school tested better and were in fact cooler just by wearing this awesome footwear. Those on roller-skates were bullied and in some cases ostracised from society. During the early 90’s hospitals were heavily filled with roller-skating victims, many incidents stemming from shotty skate craftsmanship and in some cases roller-skates would just fall apart while gliding along – this time was known as the great roller-skate depression. Professor Steven Inline-Skates said “we’re very fortunate to have rollerblades to get us through this difficult time in history.”
Rollerblades are often compared to a bike with training wheels – useless and uncool.
Today, no one uses roller-skates. Celebrities the world over are the proud owners of rollerblades, forging the way for a better, brighter, skate free future. Remember – roller-skating will result in your children looking like this:

And that’s the way Natalie C’s it!

The one with the summer bucket list

Scared of death? Or in this case the end of summer!? Afraid you won’t do all the things you set out to do…join our summer bucket list!
We have come to the realisation that we have wasted our past summers and our youth so we have created our own summer bucket list for 2011/12 because lets face it, no one is getting any younger. Below is our list of doable things we have never done before, we will keep you updated on our journey and hopefully by the end of summer we would have completed all things
Dance classes
Paddle boarding
Attend a teenage festival
Buddhism class
Spanish class
Bikram yoga class
Health Retreat
Visit Berri

The one with the intro.

The hype and anticipation is finally over! After 26 years of waiting Tammy and Natty’s blog is finally here. After the much loved joint mail tray at Hoyts friends and fans alike were waiting with breath that is baited for them to take it to the next level and alas that day has arrived!
LIKES: FRIENDS, jam muffins, miranda kerr, yoga, berry smoothie, well-being, green tea, riverwalks, fitness, martial arts, movies, tiffany & co, organic food, cavoodles, pilates, KORA organics, coconuts, the Blood type diet, acai berries, pink, victoria's secret, noni juice, sarcasm, top model nights, sushi, shoes, tattoos, roller skating/blading, the idea of paddle boarding, buckets lists, notebooks, music, katy perry, The Kardashians, IKEA, marilyn monroe, audrey hepburn, dalai lama, fashion, thursday night shopping, george forman grills, IBIZA, gwinganna, organic spray tans, Themed birthday parties, buddhism, spanish words, parking fairies, Glee, magazines, book club, mexican food, affirmations, ebay

HATES: sexual politics, marriage, solo self taken photos, traffic, manipulative people, chemicals, perfumed products, Frasier, cheaters, yellow gold, banks, vodafone, late fees, bourban, tidy whiteys, trivia nights, betrayal, suicides, public toilets, exams, bad service, nightmares, bugs, rudeness, unreturned phone calls, stepping in gum, preachers, conceited people, credit card debts, bullies, missing the movie previews, babytalk, breakouts, , ass kissers, public speaking, hay fever, hangovers, ebay fees, war